
There is nothing like knowing what to expect when you visit the dentist. We believe that the better you know our office and us before your visit, the more comfortable you will be when we meet face to face. We invite you to take a tour of our state-of-the-art facility right here and now, in the comfort of your own home.

Our office tour begins with the welcoming reception center, where our friendly staff assists you with check-in and any necessary paperwork. You will also view our treatment rooms, which are appointed with the latest technology for precision dental work and patient comfort.

Hillside Dental welcomes you. We look forward to meeting you personally, and building a lifelong working relationship that elevates your smile.

none 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Closed 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Closed dentist https://www.google.com/search?q=hillside+dental+las+vegas&oq=Hillside+Dental+Las+Vegas&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j0i22i30j69i60j69i61l2.8752j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x80c8b88f16264cb3:0x7f8ef629f8585711,3,,, https://www.yelp.com/writeareview/biz/kxaCVR8G-bhlKq-9OKt9sw?return_url=%2Fbiz%2FkxaCVR8G-bhlKq-9OKt9sw&review_origin=biz-details-war-button https://www.facebook.com/hillsidedentalfineart/reviews/?ref=page_internal 7026668584 7028957799