By: Dr. Christopher Lim
Posted on: November 04, 2021

Dental crowns can serve a variety of purposes. A dental crown, also known as a cap, is used to restore an infected tooth and protect a weak tooth to keep it from breaking. It can also hold a fractured or worn tooth together, cover a tooth with an extensive filling, or even cover a dental implant to give people their smiles back.

Crowns can also keep a dental bridge in place and support cosmetic modifications made to teeth. Dental crowns are incredible because they can cap all the visible parts of a tooth and are created in various sizes, appearances, and even functionality.


Several types of crowns are on the market today, and it will depend on which tooth needs to be treated.

Stainless-steel crowns are typically used on top of permanent teeth and can even be used as a temporary solution for children’s teeth. They are cost-effective when used on baby teeth since the teeth will eventually come out anyway.

Metal crowns include metal-based and gold alloys, but the most popular type is same-day crowns used by dentist Dr. Christopher Lim at Hillside Dental in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Dr. Lim and his staff boast the use of CEREC dental crown restorations made of high-quality ceramic. These crowns look and feel like natural teeth and are very strong and durable. The CEREC crowns can be designed, created, and placed in just one appointment.

CEREC restorations can also help maintain the remaining part of a tooth’s health and are held in place by a bonding process that facilitates the reduction of bacterial penetration, which can cause further damage to the affected tooth.

CEREC dental crowns look very natural and are created with a ceramic material to match your natural teeth. The shine and translucency of ceramic mimic the natural tooth enamel, which means the dental crown will not look different from any of your other teeth. In other words, no one will notice that you have a dental crown like they could if you had a dental crown made of a different type of material, such as metal.

If you want crowns in one day in Las Vegas, Nevada, the experienced and trusted team at Hillside Dental, under the direction of Dr. Christopher Lim, is ready to provide you with a brighter smile today. Call (702) 666-8584 for an appointment and be on your way to a new and more beautiful smile.

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